SEATTLE, Sept. 13, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — The world is looking toward a renewable energy future. But taking full advantage of solar and wind power or electric vehicles will require safe and reliable energy storage solutions. Lithium-ion batteries are promising, but they only last for between 300 to 500 cycles—or two to three years when charging them ultra fast.
But BattGenie, Inc. is changing the way industry thinks about lithium-ion battery lifecycles. Their advanced battery management system adjusts how the battery functions to improve lifespan and reduce the amount of time to a full charge.
"Our software can improve the life of a battery by 200 percent while reducing charging time," says Chintan Pathak, CPO and co-founder of BattGenie. "If you're using a phone, your business can continue with a short stop to charge the phone. Electric vehicles can have smaller batteries or batteries with significantly longer life. This also means that you get a longer driving range with our approach per cycle compared to the existing method. And for stationary storage, you can go much longer between battery replacements or extract more energy out of the batteries over their lives."
BattGenie uses porous electrode pseudo-2-dimensional (P2D) models to run its first-in-kind system that can solve and implement battery operation solutions in milliseconds.
“Our software produces an advanced, physics-based model of the inner workings of lithium-ion batteries, then uses details gleaned from this model to adjust the charging profile of the battery to avoid degradation. We have the fastest, most advanced physics-based model ever displayed,” says Venkat Subramanian, co-founder of BattGenie and a Fellow of the Electrochemical Society (ECS). The initial research for BattGenie was done in Subramanian’s lab. An EDC II Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Material Sciences at the University of Texas at Austin, Subramanian is also BattGenie’s CTO and Chief Scientific Advisor.
Read the full post here.
Venkat Subramanian
CTO, Chief Scientific Advisor, and Co-Founder
Prof. Venkat Subramanian is currently the Ernest Dashiell Cockrell II Professor of Mechanical & Material Science Engineering at the University of Texas, Austin.
His research interests include energy systems engineering, electrochemical engineering, computationally efficient algorithms for state-of-charge (SOC) and state-of-health (SOH) estimation of lithium-ion batteries, multiscale simulation, and design of energetic materials, kinetic Monte Carlo methods, model-based battery management system for electric transportation, and renewable microgrids and nonlinear model predictive control. Prof. Subramanian was awarded the Dean’s award for excellence in graduate study in 2001 for his doctoral research.
He is a Fellow of the Electrochemical Society and a past Technical Editor of the Journal of the Electrochemical Society. He was also the chair of the IEEE Division of the Electrochemical Society. His codes for Lithium-ion batteries are the fastest reported in the literature and his algorithm for solving index 1 nonlinear DAEs is the most robust compared to any other algorithm reported as of today.
Prof. Subramanian received his B.Tech. degree in Chemical and Electrochemical Engineering from the Central Electrochemical Research Institute (CECRI), Karaikudi, India, in 1997 and the Ph.D. degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, USA, in 2001.
Manan Pathak
CEO and Co-Founder
Dr. Manan Pathak is the Chief Executive Officer and co-founder of BattGenie.
He earned his PhD at the University of Washington, where he obtained his graduate thesis on model-based Battery Management Systems. He has 7+ peer-reviewed publications with over 300 citations, and extensive experience with physics-based battery models, numerical methods and derivation of optimal charging profiles.
Chintan Pathak
CPO and Co-Founder
Dr. Chintan Pathak is the Chief Product Officer and co-founder of BattGenie.
He earned his PhD from the University of Washington and he obtained his graduate thesis on optimal locations of battery charging stations in the state of Washington. He has over 13 years of experience in software engineering and embedded systems.
Akshay Subramaniam
Battery Modeling Scientist
Akshay Subramaniam leads electrochemical model development and identification tasks at BattGenie. He also contributes towards BMS algorithm development and validation, and helps maintain our models, databases, and testing pipelines. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Washington during which he gained extensive experience in the development of control-oriented electrochemical models. He has 10+ peer-reviewed publications and is proficient in several aspects of battery systems engineering including numerical simulation techniques, optimization for design and fast charging, parameter estimation, and battery data analysis.
Taejin Jang
Battery Simulation Scientist
Dr. Taejin Jang is a Battery Simulation Scientist at BattGenie. Dr. Jang received his Ph.D in Materials Science from University of Texas at Austin and an MS in Chemical Engineering from UW. He also has BS and MS degrees in Materials Science & Chemical Engineering from Yokohama National University in Japan. He spent three years in the automotive devices industry at Samsung Electronics. He has 7+ years’ experience in battery modeling and simulation, encompassing Li-ion and next-generation batteries.
Bing Syuan Wang
Senior Battery Software and Data Engineer
Bing Syuan Wang is the Senior Battery Software and Data Engineer at BattGenie.
He earned his Masters in Electrical Engineering from the University of Washington. He has over 6 years’ experience in software engineering and in working with battery data.
Aditya Parsai
Fullstack Software Engineer
Aditya Parsai is a Fullstack Software Engineer at BattGenie. He graduated in Civil Engineering from IIT(BHU). With 8 years’ experience, he contributes to helping businesses succeed in the digital space by staying attuned to the evolving tech landscape. His work spans from front-end development to back-end system engineering, ensuring smooth integration and functionality. He recognizes the importance of storytelling and is adept in translating complex ideas into user-friendly interfaces to enhance user experiences.